I've had an epiphany of sorts and it's helped me turn my frame of mind.
When I first got to Brazil, I was pretty consumed with everything I missed about home and every aspect of Brazil that didn't live up to my desires. But I've met a friend. And I've moved into my own apartment. For anyone who underestimates the importance, value and raw necessity of friends and personal space - I am your living proof that these two elements alone will improve your quality of life x 1,000,000. I exaggerate you not. Especially if you are living in a foreign country.
If you want to be really really happy, you should also get a cat or two and some plants.
I'm currently mothering two little cats (we got a second one in the last 2 weeks! Little José... ) and I'm growing basil, lemon balm, corriander, green onion and cat grass.
I also read the bible to orphans on weekends. haha. No, no I don't do that.
Things I currently like about Brazil:
- Eating fresh mamão (papaya) in the morning with honey from my BeeHive Keeper. Ok, yeah right, I wish I had a BeeHive Keeper but I coincidentally met this guy at the market on Sunday who keeps hives so he's my unofficial honey provider.
- Salgados all varieties, but most preferably joelho's - tasty little bread shaped knees filled with delicious ham and cheese or other wonderful flavours.
- Fresh herbs sooooo cheap and SOOOO BEAUTIFUL. The most beautiful basil I've ever seen. I swear I would divorce my husband just to marry a bunch of basil.
- My apartment!!!!!!!! It's so comfortable and AWESOME to walk around your own house in your undies or less. Or more!!! Hey! It's my house and I wear what I want!
- Cooking so much food. Extra spicy and extra onions (my MIL would absolutely curl up her face in disgust at both of those options).
Ahhhhh.... life is GOOD! We live in an apartment surrounded by favelas (Cidade de Deus is literally right down the street), and it's fantastic. It's real. It's hard. It's simple. It's Brazil!