Monday, June 28, 2010

Birthday Love

Ro's birthday today - 28 on the 28th.  It's a special birthday that only happens once in your life!  Ro's mom and sis have gone on a lil trip to see his dad on 'the ship' (he works on a ship).  So it was just the two of us.  But having the house to ourselves for the first time in - Jesus... like, I'm talking 7 months here... we haven't had a house to ourselves for the whole day in 7 months.  We were pretty happy to spend the day at home.

On your birthday you are allowed to have a servent.  Seeing as I definitely indulge in my birthday servant allowance, I am happy to be Ro's birthday servant too.  This means all of the obvious things.  No cooking, cleaning, washing, chores of any kind, work of any kind, moving of any kind (if you so choose). 

So, I woke up early to cook some breakfast - pancakes and eggs - and to bake a cake.  Only problem was, when we went to use our maple syrup (care of familia Canadense), it had mold in it!! BOOOO :.....(  Then, the cake I was baking turned out really flat and not cake-like at all. I swear it was more like a brownie than a cake.  So the morning was off to a rough start (for me at least).  I always set myself up with high expectations which isn't a great thing because any element that is off sort of ruins the whole experience for me.

So anyway, yadda yadda yadda,  Brazil game 4 started.  Made some more food.  Drank some beer.  Won the game! 
Now Ro is at work which is always sad on your birthday.  I'm just hoping that since everyone probably got trashed during the game, they won't be able to make it out to a restaurant of any kind and Ro will be able to come home to me! 



  1. Take care of your man!

    I think this is the first time it registered with me that you share your living space with Ro's family. For me it was a HUGE adjustment that I never really embraced. Now we are on our own again.

    Good luck!

  2. I also had a hard time living with the fam! I can be a tad difficult at times... Who'd have guessed.

    It's the thought that counts and time to get used to pancakes with jelly. That's what my husband had for his bday breakfast yesterday (our men are a day apart!)

    Anyway, Happy Birthday Ro!


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